
The Gospel was never meant to be confined within the four walls of a church building!

Local Outreach

Love Our City goes out into the community at least once a month to tell people about the love of Jesus and offer food and friendship to those in need. They also help with physical needs, such as clothing, school supplies, and extra support during the holidays for families in our area.

Life Church also partners with several organizations, including:
  • Called to Care to help provide for the immediate needs of children taken into emergency foster care,.
  • Free Indeed to provide for the immediate needs and travel support of survivors of trafficking.
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace to help with providing beds for children in our community who don't have them.
  • Alpha Pregnancy Center by providing financial support as well as diapers, wipes, clothes, etc. for families.
Albany Awakening is another local outreach that is close to our hearts. This tent revival, spearheaded by Life Church, is promoted city-wide and held near the intersections of Albany and Leesburg, allowing us to take worship services and the Gospel message out into our communities.

International Missions

From Africa to Romania to Laos, Life Church supports missionaries throughout the world with prayers and donations. Pastor Matthew, together with a team of ministers from the Church of God, provides training and encouragement for pastors and churches in Lusaka, Zambia.

To learn more about the outreach that we do or how you can be a part, please reach out to us using the form below!

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How can we help you?